Sketch #9- Recreate a Movie Scene

My initial idea for this sketch assignment was to recreate the famous “Lady and the Tramp” noodle scene.  I was anxiously waiting for a meal that the duc served noodles of any sort so I could make two of my friends pose for this photo.  But, every time I browsed the ducling for noodles they did not have.  Of course the one week I need the duc to have a certain food they did not.  So, my friend had the idea to pose with the famous poisonous apple from Snow White.  Another Disney scene I could use food as a prop for.  I was so happy she thought of this idea while I was complaining about my simple duc request.  I can barely tell my friend and Snow White apart in this photo!!




Sketch 9: Happy Gilmore

As a kid Adam Sandler was one of my favorite actors/comedians, so I thought it would be fun for this assignment to recreate one of his scenes. Even though he isn’t the most respected actor, I think some of his early films are entertaining. I knew I would be limited with resources so I tried to keep things simple. I chose the closest shirt I had, borrowed a golf ball from my roommate, and used a cup as the hole. I didn’t want to dig into the ground, so I decided it would be best to surround the cup with pine needles instead. I got several friends to come out and help in the background and actually take the shot. Although the image isn’t that close, I think the general theme is conveyed.


Screen Shot 2018-04-02 at 11.29.50 PM

Scrolling through Mcmennamy’s pictures, I was drawn to the majority of the pictures that included food.  I recently started a foodstagram (instagram that showcases my pictures of food) and started thinking of how I could incorporate some of these s=combo photos into my feed.  I’ve been eating a lot of broccoli lately because I don’t eat bread during passover and I find that broccoli is quite filling. So I searched broccoli and started thinking of what broccoli resembles. That’s when I thought of a tree trunk.  I also like how the bottom picture of the trunk takes place in the winter time while the top picture of the broccoli is bright green as if it’s spring or summertime.  A challenge I had putting these two images together was the sizing and lining them up so the image appeared as more cohesive and fluid.  This final image conveys the life of a tree in different seasons and a vegetable branching off and finding new roots.


I could not decide what I want to use for this sketch assignment. However, when I decided to take a break and to open Facebook to see some new posts and relax a little bit, I saw a picture with this smile at the bottom. It reminded me of tomato because of its color and shape, so I thought it might be interesting to combine them and see what happens. I used PicsArt to create this photo. In my opinion, the result looks unusual, funny, and well balanced. Overall, I like the combination of these two images.


Sketch 8: A Glass of Light


Flashlight Image Source

Glass of Milk Image Source

A flashlight and a glass of milk. Or is it milk? I can’t really tell.

The idea was quick to come. Within a few minutes of reading about the assignment, I actually managed to think of the idea. The trouble came in execution.

Firstly, it was difficult to find a good image of a flashlight that was purely flat. Most of the images were simply images of flashlights angled towards or away from the camera. However, most of the milk/drink pouring was angled flat/horizontal to the camera. So trying to find both flats was difficult.

Editing was quite easy. I’ve been photo editing since early middle school (but just as a hobby), and this was a very simple task, so that was no trouble.

But there were more challenges. I’m still not completely satisfied with how it turned out. The way the light shines on the flashlight itself makes the tip look like it’s gone when contrasted with the light background, causing an awkward link between the pouring and the end of the flashlight. In the same vein of awkward, the angle of the pour is also awkward when compared to the flashlight. There isn’t enough horizontal pour (in my opinion), making it look extremely unnatural. When I look at Mcmennamy’s art, it looks so natural. But mine just looks like someone who didn’t know what they wanted threw something together and settled. I hate that idea because I really didn’t know how to improve it. I felt somewhat dissatisfied with it, but it was still better than the other images found.

Overall, it’s just a simple flashlight pouring out some milk. It looks decent, but certainly not as good as Mcmennamy’s. And once you see that, can you really go back to make something like this?

Combo Photo

The reason I chose Edvard Munch’s The Scream is because its an iconic image that I believed had interesting potential for a remix. The scared cat emoji was chosen as the second photo because I think it mirrors the emotion of the original subject fairly well. Making this was very challenging because I have limited experience with photo editing. Trying to crop the emoji was the most difficult aspect. I also scrunched around the eyes in order to go along with the paintings original look. I think my final image conveys the same existential terror felt by Munch’s subject, but with the  levity of something unsuspected.Screaming Cat

Combophoto Sketch

battery ash

At first, I couldn’t think of anything to combine; my mind was running blanks. So to distract myself from the assignment, I went on my phone to pass some time. Soon, my phone battery nearly ran out and that’s when I came up with the idea for this photo combo. I imagined that using up a battery is akin to burning a match because it slowly uses up its energy until it it dies off. Visually it made more sense if the burning end of the battery looked more like a cigarette burning. So I used an app on my phone to superimpose the burning end of a cigarette on top of a battery. It wasn’t too difficult to do, definitely the hardest part of the assignment was coming up with what to compose.


Photo Credits:

Emil – 2 batteries

Andrew Magill – Ash



Sketch 8: Combophoto

Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at 4.33.02 PM


This particularly assignment turned out to be very difficult for me to get done. I think it has something to do with trying to find two photos that can line up physically and color-wise, as well as make some artistic sense. This was not my first idea, but by time I had gone through so many iterations of trying something out, my standards dropped and I caved with something that was relatively easy. I like that this combo photo shows up close something so small and something that is large so far away. I think the combination makes the viewer think about pollution since one of the images is nature, and the other a known pollutant that people still choose to engage with. The photo on the right looks more ‘clean’ to me, while the photo on the left looks more ‘dirty.’ This is interesting, considering that the actual content of the photo points to exactly opposite of this.

Image Credit:

IMGP7218” by Flickr user Tim Gage.

cigarette” by Flickr user Fried Dough.




Sketch 8- Combophoto

I really enjoyed browsing Stephen McMennamy’s gallery of combo-photos.  His artistic combinations are made in a seamless manner that almost trick the eye and brain.  Each piece is unique, satisfying, and very fun. One of his photos had bones involved which sparked my idea for this assignment.  At first I thought I would make pencils the bones in a cartoon skeleton image. That initial idea posed a challenge as skeleton images on their own have tons of details that I would not be able to match even with different sizes of long pencils.  So, the X-ray idea came to mind. For some reason I also began to think pretzel rods would be more fun than pencils. It was challenging to cover the original X-ray in this cartoon image and even more difficult to shape, size, and angle each pretzel to make up a rib cage.  I was not able to add other bones and details; I stuck with the bare minimum. Without professional tools, I also was unable to crop the pretzel rods perfectly as background space is shown. In general, however, I definitely appreciate the simplicity and playfulness of my final product for this combo-photo sketch assignment.  IMG_8567

Canceled Class Sketch

I chose this image because it was centered on two things very clearly–her face and hand, making it easy to establish a focal point to draw from. I realized that not only are hands hard to draw, but I can’t draw hands. On the topic of art, humans really like to create meaning from chaos and entropy. Thus, something turns from something to art when one intentions it. Something that comes to mind is a court case in the Supreme Court where the line had to be drawn to distinguish porn from not porn. The conclusion that was come to by Potter Stewart (a justice) was “I know it when I see it.” That’s basically how I feel about art.

Link to Assignment for Thursday’s Missed Class


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