
Week Date Assignment Writing due
1 1/18 Canceled: Snow
2 1/23 Introduction to the class
1/25 Understanding Rhetoric, Introduction “Spaces for Writing”

(I understand some of you don’t have copies of this book yet. I uploaded a scan of this reading to library course reserves, which you can get to here)

Course site created
1/28 Sketch 1: Avatar
3 1/30 Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics, ch 1 (library reserves link)
2/1 Understanding Rhetoric, issue 1 “Why Rhetoric?” Literacy Narrative
2/4 Sketch 2: Visual Note Taking
4 2/6 Maus 1, chapters 1 & 2

Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics, ch 2 (library reserves link)

2/8 Maus 1, chapter 3

Understanding Rhetoric, issue 2 “Strategic Reading”

2/11 Sketch 3: Sunday Sketches
5 2/13 Maus 1, chapters 4 & 5
Scott McCloud, Making Comics, ch 1 (library reserves link)
2/15 Maus 1, chapter 6

Understanding Rhetoric, issue 3 “Writing Identities”

2/18 Sketch 4: Human Document
6 2/20 Maus, book 2, chapter 1

Hillary Chute, “Comics for Grown-Ups?” from Why Comics?: From Underground to Everywhere (library reserves link)

2/22 Maus, book 2, chapter 2
2/25 Sketch 5: Triptych
7 2/27 Maus, book 2, chapters 3 & 4
3/1 Maus, book 2, chapter 5
3/4 Sketch 6: What’s in your bag?
8 3/6 Palestine, chapters 1 & 2 (1-50)
3/8 Palestine, chapters 3 (51-77) Tracing Maus


 Spring Break
9 3/20 Palestine, chapters 4 – 7 (81-213)

Peer feedback on literacy narrative comics.

Literacy Narrative comic rough sketch due
3/22 Palestine, chapters 8 & 9 (217-85)
3/25 Sketch 7: Tell a True Story


Potential make-up days
10 3/27 Pyongyang, 1 – 48
3/29 Pyongyang, 49 – 96
4/1 Sketch 8: Combophoto
11 4/3 Pyongyang, 97 – 176 Literacy narrative comics due
4/8 Sketch 9: Recreate a movie scene
12 4/10 Spinning, Preface and chpts 1 – 6
4/12 Spinning, chpt 7 – 8 Comparing Palestine and Pyongyang


Potential make-up days
13 4/17 Mapping Spinning speed feedback

Spinning, chpts 9 – 10

4/22 Sketch 10: Data viz from everyday life

Sketch 11: Make a gif/cinemagraph

14 4/24 Final Portfolio discussion/editing Mapping Spinning
4/29 Sketch 11: Assemblies

8:00 – 10:30a

Final Exam Period Final Portfolio and Reflection Letter

This schedule is subject to change.