Scrolling through Mcmennamy’s pictures, I was drawn to the majority of the pictures that included food. I recently started a foodstagram (instagram that showcases my pictures of food) and started thinking of how I could incorporate some of these s=combo photos into my feed. I’ve been eating a lot of broccoli lately because I don’t eat bread during passover and I find that broccoli is quite filling. So I searched broccoli and started thinking of what broccoli resembles. That’s when I thought of a tree trunk. I also like how the bottom picture of the trunk takes place in the winter time while the top picture of the broccoli is bright green as if it’s spring or summertime. A challenge I had putting these two images together was the sizing and lining them up so the image appeared as more cohesive and fluid. This final image conveys the life of a tree in different seasons and a vegetable branching off and finding new roots.