The CLASSIC banana peel.
This was, indeed, a surprisingly difficult concept to grasp. You see so many of these examples in classic Sunday comics that you feel like it should be super easy to grasp. However, upon even attempting to think of an idea, I was immediately stuck. Did I want to go darker, like I saw with A Softer World? Or did I want to go lighthearted, such as with the comic strip Nancy? After a lot of thinking about beginnings and endings, I decided that lighthearted would be better.
The theme was settled. I was going to go for a funny, happier look. Bright colors and poorly drawn figures would resonate better than if I tried too hard to make it a realistic setting. Originally, I was going to settle for stick figures to make it as simplistically lighthearted as possible, but I decided that, in the end, it would be too easy to do so. So I went with drawing bald, thicker stick figures instead.
But I was still struggling with the story. What did I want to happen? I kept running through other ideas about food, sleeping, or anything that everyone does on an everyday basis. But nothing was coming to mind. Or, at least, nothing that was satisfying. But then, I suddenly was reminded of bananas. It is amazing how the human mind can randomly think of something and spark an idea out of it. I decided that a banana slip joke would be ideal. It’s classic, funny, and easy. Right?
Not quite. What would I do with this banana? Someone would slip, yes, but how would you end it? So I decided to take a route that was somewhat unexpected. Falling off a cliff from a banana peel is not the sequence of events many people imagine, so I decided to go for a little humor in the ridiculousness of the situation. This concluded my thinking process, and I finally decided on the story that would emerge.
I decided to experiment with the brush tool for the background, as I noticed that it made it more light and insignificant, which is what I wanted for a background. Overall, I’m alright with how it turned out, but it seems too sloppily done. I’ll have to experiment further as time continues.
This assignment felt somewhat similar to the literacy narrative that we had to do, simply because we had to have a beginning, middle, and end. But like the literacy narrative, the end isn’t really the end. It’s an open ending. You can imagine that the story ends anyway you like, but without it being printed out, can you really be sure?