Tag: sk3
Sunday Sketches roundup
Don’t Q-tip your kayak!
I was home this weekend and took note of the ordinary objects I use on a daily basis and tried to associate those objects with an action. So I set my eyes on the q-tips and thought of different ways it could be used. My initial thought was someone bench pressing, but I figured the swabs on the end weren’t large enough. My next thought was hands on a clock but that wouldn’t work considering q-tips are all the same size. Then I started twiddling with the q-tip and gave it motion. That’s when I thought of an oar and then came the sketch.
Mr. Coughdroppington
Last week, I was sick with a sore throat so I got some cough drops to ease my cough. This meant I got to spend a lot of time looking at the cough drops in their little wrappers. I noticed that they looked like little bow ties which inspired me to make a stereotypical gentleman that would benefit from a bow tie.
I’m blown away by my drawing skills ;)
In reality the process I took for drawing this was accepting the fact I have a fairly limited ability to draw, so I considered what I could draw and realized stick figures must be involved. Then it came to looking around for inspiration and I saw my wallet and took out the money I had inside. From there I just started thinking about how stick figures could interact with money in an off way and it seemed almost foolish to not have them holding on to it so they dont’ fly away. In the end well the quality may not be amazing I think it turned out well. Especially my stick figure which I believe are some of the best you will ever see.
Sketch 3: Conversion to Drill-ology
This was a long process. The final art may be simple and easy, but the actual thought process was really difficult. After hearing about this sketch, I immediately thought of a few ideas. But I went about it the wrong way. I thought about things that I had that I could use for this sketch, as well as what they could be drawn as. But the ideas just wouldn’t roll out. I would get something, but I couldn’t think of any item to use with it. So I began thinking the other way, I looked around my room and tried to find things I could use and how to incorporate them into something realistic that I could draw. Yet, I still wasn’t coming up with anything. All my ideas were too big, and I couldn’t think of everyday occurrences that I could use these items on. So I continued to mull over it day after day. I had to balance it with chemistry studying and other homework, but I kept it in the back of my mind. But it was becoming too close to the deadline.
Finally, something clicked today. I was listening to a podcast, and one of the guys was ranting about the construction they had to endure every time at an airport, as well as in their city in general. I loved the ranting, and it got me thinking about construction. It also just so happened that I was looking at a converter that I recently bought for my headphones to plug into my keyboard.
It looked strangely like a drill.
Now came the difficult part. Drawing the construction drill. Firstly, I had to get an idea of the scale of the actual drill relative to rest of the drill. It had to be relatively even, but not too much more thick or thin. The person was also a difficult assignment, one that I’m not completely happy with. Another difficulty is that I’ve become so accustomed to drawing digitally that I realized I “forgot” (temporarily) many of the techniques I had learned from my years of art lessons. Things such as pencil pressure and shading techniques were much easier on digital art, for I had so many more options for colors and such. However, in real life, I was stuck with 24 colored pencils instead of my typical 100 pencil arsenal. It turned out a lot more plain than I wanted it to. And my style noticeably changes from digital to paper.
However, I still think the idea was a lucky one, and I’m still somewhat satisfied with my sketch. However, can an artist really ever be satisfied with their work?
The chicken messed up…
A scared, lonely chicken seeing his phone is at 1% outside a G-Tech apartment complex at 5:32 am is the perfect description of my last night out. A series of unprecedented events led to me almost having to walk miles and miles through rain and cold in order to get to my dorm. It started like an ordinary night out, which turned to a scavenger search for the friend I swore I’d go back to Emory with. I lost them in Gold Room a popular club in Atlanta, and as the night progressed, and the club closed down, I was forced to look for them not only outside the club, but in the apartment complex we pregamed in. A couple of hours into the search, my friend told me he somehow (and inexplicably) managed to get to Emory. Knowing my friend was safe now, I hit up an uber to take me back home after such a perilous night… I did not expect for the uber to take so long, and my phone to be at the brink of death; the fact that my inability to get to Emory relied solely on the 1% of battery left on my phone instantly made me a chicken, hence my expertly crafted drawing.
I initially found it really hard to find an idea that would work for this Sunday Sketch. Most of the objects that I considered using were very big or very small, and I found it hard to either give enough detail or construct a scene large enough to incorporate these objects. I finally decided that I wanted to use my ring, because it was an easy size and shape to work with, and then I designed the rest of the image with the ring in mind. The idea of drawing a guitar formed while I was listening to some acoustic music in my room, and after a few trials, I found a size ratio that worked.
I am pleased with the final image, as I think that the ring is incorporated well into the guitar, however, as the ring’s height is relatively small, it isn’t as easy to pick out my everyday object from the drawing as it is to pick out the objects that Christoph Niemann uses in his Sunday Sketches.
My favorite part of this sketch was coming up with a title. I thought for a long time about mine, but I think that the result is a clever play on words that fits in well with the theme of music.
Someone ate too many cookies…
In the beginning, I had no idea what I really want to use as the key object for this assignment. I took a look around me and still was confused and worried due to the fact, that I did not know what to draw and what to use as a completing element. Then, I decided to drink some tea and eat cookies to relax a little bit and come back to this assignment after my short break. When I took the cookies out of their bag, I put them on the paper in random position and suddenly noticed that it can be transferred into a head of an animal. The idea just came to my head and I decided to immediately realize it. Overall, the drawing is very simple and, in my opinion, it can represent a pig who feels guilty for eating a lot of cookies and still wanting to eat more. Additionally, I chose this bubble to insert my name because I wanted to add at least one comics-related detail.
(Photo: by me)
Barbara Shop
I had many ideas of what to do before this one, but none came out quite as well. I would have a flicker of insight, but a combination of problems would usually deter me from continuing. These road blocks included difficulty with angles, lack of simplicity, and absence of creativity. When I thought about the swirls on my perfume housing, inspiration struck.
Since barber poles are usually red and blue, the pink gives it a “feminine” feel, hence the name Barbara. A difficulty I encountered was that I didn’t have a single piece of white paper large enough to draw on; instead I used multiple pieces of paper laid on top of each other. I had to take the picture from a couple feet up otherwise the angle would be off and the 2D illusion would be ruined. I considered writing the words “Barber Shop” as a sign next to the pole, but I thought it would take away from the simplicity since so few of the given examples had wording on them.