Sketch 2



Trying out visual notes was undoubtedly a very weird experience for me. I’m usually a very serious note taker, introducing little dynamism to what I write. However, it served as a great method to further my understanding on the topic. Although it would be impossible for me to do all my notes, I would do this again if I had to review a concept or topic, therefore rewriting my notes in this approachable format. For some reason, I always kept going back to arrows, which lead the way I think about a concept and understand it, especially in chemistry. Although it was not an particularly enjoyable, given that I am exclusively creative in music and nothing of the visual nature, the fact it helped me understand the concepts better fascinated me.

Sketch 2: Visual Note Taking Reflection

While completing this assignment, I realized how useful of a tool that this method can. be.  I took my notes in class, then I created the note taking sketch.  This enabled me to easily summarize the main points of the lecture and put them into a sketch.  This was extremely salient because I now understand what I learned in philosophy to a greater extent.  Though theres is less text on the page, the amount of key information to know is retained.

I learned that I am more of a visual learner than I previously thought.  Prior to this assignment, I was always very keen on learning form the text.  However, now I understand that I too, in fact, can learn from my own drawings and visuals.  The aspect of this assignment I found interesting was the start.  I was interested on whether I would focus on information or pictures first.  Previously I would have thought information, but, in this assignment, I opted to draw first.  Then, I placed my information where I deemed appropriate.

Visual Note Taking



Taking notes in a visual context was much different than my normal note-taking style. I chose to take notes for my NBB Freshman Seminar. In this class, we were working towards diagnosing a “patient” who had many neurological issues. In the beginning of class, we were given a set of symptoms, the patient’s age, and some environmental factors that could have been pertinent to her problem. From there, we were given more information in increments. I modeled my notes to represent the path of thinking that I had while attempting to diagnose the patient. With the correct information, the whole class was able to correctly diagnose the patient with Multiple Sclerosis, a neurodegenerative disease that causes lesions on the brain and neurological issues. I think taking notes in a visual context really helped me to view the process of elimination that healthcare providers use to make hypotheses about what is wrong with their patients. I tend to think very analytically, and I believe my notes reflect this aspect very well. I don’t know that I would take notes like this in the future, as I don’t think I retained as much information or went into as much detail as I normally would.

Visual Note Taking

For my visual notes, I decided to draw my ARTHIST 102 lecture on African art. It was unusual for me to create a visual note due to the fact, that I am used to writing down just texts. To be honest, I don’t think that my understanding of the topic improved. However, while I was drawing these objects, I memorized some details better as I paid more attention. On the one hand, the process of creating these visual notes was engaging and interesting. On the other hand, I realized that I learn and understand better from my regular notes. I feel that this method of learning may be extremely useful for some students, but, as I realized, not for me.

Sketch 2: Visual Note Taking Assignment

Snapseed 3

Sketch 2

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Making this list allowed me to think about how I can express text visually. It seems as though it would help me study since I’m thinking about the text in the form of of an image. Images are easier for me to remember instead of just text. I hope my work is being published correctly, I’m still new to the media format.


Visual Note-taking

I visually represented my notes for Computer Science 171 class. I found this process of visual note taking to be quite helpful to learn material. I think it is effective because it forces you to ponder on the material for a longer amount of time. Given the nature of drawing and doodling, it typically takes longer to draw out a concept rather than to just state it. Spending more time with the material will increase your chances of absorbing the material. Plus, drawing out a concept will make you think about it differently because you will be focusing on expressing the most important elements, thus producing a different (and probably helpful) perspective.

Link to Sketch 2: Visual Note Taking Assignment

Sketch 2: Visual Note Taking


This was a strange experience. One that I have not yet tried out. I am used to simply writing down notes, so this was very different from anything I’ve tried.

It turns out that this doesn’t really help me with remembering my notes any more than simply taking notes. But my notes are already not purely text. I often include diagrams, charts, and pictures of concepts that we are learning in my notes already, so this is only taking away the words. If anything, this has been things a little more difficult to study. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m so used to note taking in the word form, or rather if it’s because I’m truly more built to memorize off of words. So, while this didn’t really help me remember things easier, it was still a more fun approach to taking notes. However, it also takes a lot more time. I found myself trying to adjust things that didn’t matter. This may be because I found myself working more on an art project rather than a set of notes, so I didn’t pay as much attention to the notes.

So while there weren’t any new discoveries of how I like to learn, it was a fun activity that was a good refresher from all the blocks of text I’m more used to. However, even if it is a refresher, it is still somewhat bothersome that it doesn’t really help me any more than regular notes. In fact, it may even be worse that taking regular notes. And, to top it all off, it takes way longer than regular notes. So, yes I’d be willing to do this again, but only when I have more time. When I’m pressed for time, such as when I’m studying for a test, this is absolutely not the way to go. At least, not for me.

Original assignment link: Sketch 2: Visual Note Taking

Visual Notes


This assignment was a little bit of a challenge for me because I don’t actually take notes in classes. I learn best by listening so notes often have a negative effect on my performance in a class. With these visual notes though I just tried to take some of the important topics in my Physics class and turn them into picture form. It was a interesting activity though as I had to think about the best way to show something that we cannot see normally. In my notes I illustrate what happens when you rub a ballon on your head, the attraction of positive and negative charges, field force lines, and the force between two charged plates.

Visual Note Taking

My visual notes are for my ISOM 350 lecture about random variables. Although it was much more time consuming to write/ draw my notes, as opposed to typing as I usually do, I really enjoyed creating visual notes, and I do think that they are easier to understand in this form. Drawing my notes made me think about how to break up the information more, and also how to create links between the separated information. Because physically writing the notes takes longer, it also made me think more carefully about what information I really needed to include, and consequently made my notes more succinct. I didn’t learn many new things about myself through this process, however, I do think that it emphasized that I am a visual learner and that I find notes easier to digest when they are colourful and filled with pictures.

Link to Sketch 2 Blog Post Assignment

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