Sketch 2



Trying out visual notes was undoubtedly a very weird experience for me. I’m usually a very serious note taker, introducing little dynamism to what I write. However, it served as a great method to further my understanding on the topic. Although it would be impossible for me to do all my notes, I would do this again if I had to review a concept or topic, therefore rewriting my notes in this approachable format. For some reason, I always kept going back to arrows, which lead the way I think about a concept and understand it, especially in chemistry. Although it was not an particularly enjoyable, given that I am exclusively creative in music and nothing of the visual nature, the fact it helped me understand the concepts better fascinated me.

Preface and Reflection: Literacy Narrative

Ever since I was a child, I have been obsessed with text books, encyclopedia, and any sort of book which directly and explicitly states information, unlike novels, whose overwhelming amounts of sugarcoating and lack of conciseness bores me. Although these still comprise a great part of my passion for reading, I am still in search of other forms of recreational reading which deviate from my current interests. I’m kind of a tough cookie when I attempt to read a novel: I usually do not go beyond Chapter 1 if the content is not concise at my degree of liking. My childhood experiences in elementary school cemented this preference over explicit information rather than fictional, sugarcoated narratives.

As I wrote this analysis of my peculiar reading preferences, I realized it was about time to share my perspective with other people. Talking about my reading preferences is something I usually avoid, given that they deviate greatly from the general public. Writing was a breeze, especially after freewriting prior to its composition. In a sense, it was refreshing to finally let it all out after such long time keeping these thoughts to myself; it made me realize that not talking about this for so long has actually been a terrible idea, since my quirkiness opens up new topics of conversation, and possible recommendation of books that I might actually enjoy.

If there is one sentence in this essay that best reflects who I am, it would be the following:

“I went over to the kindergarten section of the library, did my “market research”, and did the math…”

I think now it’s the time to read about a chubby 5th grader against the world in my literacy narrative.

My Avatar

This is my virtually assembled avatar, an attempt to portray not only my physical, but an insight into my personality. Let’s start off by analyzing my expression: i’m not displaying joy nor sadness, just neutrality; this is my way of thinking. I try to be as neutral and objective in my thoughts, given that many times emotionally-dictated thoughts (which translate to actions) can be irrational, especially in the professional and educational ambient. The background, a vibrant red “zap effect” serves to represent anything that might be happening to or around me; although life’s occurrences might get overwhelming, I try my best to remain neutral, objected, and mindful of my response to the given occurrences. The black shirt is relatively self explanatory to anyone who knows me personally, because I always tend to wear black shirts.

There was one main difficulty while creating this avatar: besides my ability to play and create music, I have no artistic ability whatsoever, therefore making the creation of a personal avatar was extremely challenging. With that in mind, I had never explored photoshop or any designing tools that would allow me to create this avatar. I faced the situation upfront, and ultimately was able to design the avatar below with the assistance of a cloud-based website and Pixlr. When faced with a difficulty, I will not spend my time complaining; I’ll do my best to mitigate the difficulty and set myself on the path to success.


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