Literacy Narrative Reflection

The following literacy narrative explores key events and progressions in my early life that shaped my current reading and writing ability. Describing how I iniitally learned to read and write was more challenging than expected, and not because it was difficult to recall events that took place so many years ago, but because it is hard to articulate learning a skill that is now so natural to me. It’s like describing how I learned to ride a bike. Which would essentailly boil down to a trial-and-error process of falling down and getting back up.

In writing this piece I was able to visualize my reading and writing progression chronologically, and quickly noticed some patterns. For instance, it seems that I always preferred the practice of writing to reading, predominately due to the freedom of creating my own arguments as oppose to absorbing those of others. I think the most unique attribute of my literacy narrative is my early eagerness to read and frustration with writing, which ironically turned to an aversion toward reading and a fascination with writing.

My Avatar


I created my avatar using the Bitmoji IOS app; attempting to replicate my face (in cartoon form) as accurately as possible. In the background I pasted a black and white picture of the New York City skyline using Adobe Photoshop Mix. New York is the city I was born in and where I currently live. To me New York City is representative of home, family and friends. I chose to put my face in color to contrast the black and white background. This is representative of myself growing, learning and exploring while being away from home. Yet, New York City and the people in it are always with me wherever I go.


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