Comparing Palestine and Pyongyang Reflection

I was surprised to find that that writing the essay comparing Palestine and Pyongyang was actually not that difficult. Once I had my leading idea, it was pretty simple for me to just punch it out. The main focus of my essay is the relationship between the the usage of vignettes and the styles of the comics. I went through a couple different drafts with different ideas, which in the beginning were mostly focused on surface level differences and similarities between the two books. But on the version I submitted, I found the topic that was the most interesting to me, which in turn made it quite easy to write about.

Comparing Pyongyan and Palestine

This essay  Was interesting because the teacher told us that he hated when people in a comparative essay write a comparison that can’t be debated so I really tried to concentrate and find some aspect of each book that I could compare and someone could easily debate my claims. It was hard to also hard to write an essay thinking that i didn’t want to write on something that we discussed in class because I wanted to think of a comparison that hasn’t been discussed. I needed up concentrating on how it makes us feel and how we perceive the events that occur in each book and how the vignettes are connected to one another.

Week Ahead: 8

3/4 Sketch 6: What’s in your bag?
8 3/6 Palestine, chapters 1 & 2 (1-50)
3/8 Palestine, chapters 3 (51-77) Tracing Maus

There’s a lot going on this week as we go out into spring break with a bang. As you begin to read Palestine, you will also be finishing up your Tracing Maus project and working on the literacy narrative comic draft/storyboard that we’ll be workshopping right after we return from break.

In class on Tuesday, we’ll start off with clearing up any questions you might still have about the Tracing Maus projects and then probably spend a few minutes discussing the final chapter of the book, since group work on Thursday meant we didn’t really get to talk about it directly. We’ll also begin to discuss Palestine, focusing on (the first 2 chapters, at least) differ from or are similar to what we read from Spiegelman:

  • Think about how the rhetorical situations are different for Maus and Palestine.
  • Sacco is very certainly influenced by Spiegelman, but what does “influenced by” mean in this context? Where do you see this influence?
  • We’ll definitely talk about genre and how genre conventions shape and are shaped by readers’ and writers’ practices and purposes over the coming weeks. Sacco has a degree in journalism and classifies his work as “graphic journalism” or “comics journalism.” Maus was originally nominated for a National Book award under the category “Biography,” but is also often classified as memoir, history, and even sometimes fiction.

Once you post the “What’s in your bag?” sketch, you won’t have another sketch due until March 25. That assignment will ask you to combine two photos, putting a person from one photo into a place from another one, so if you travel or go home over spring break and you get a chance to either take photos or look through family photo albums, you might keep an eye out for images that would be fun to play with.

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