Literacy Narrative Comic Feedback

In class today, you read the draft comics from three of your peers and provided feedback to them both orally and on this sheet:

Literacy Narrative Comic Storyboard FeedbackDownload

At the end of class today, three different students in the class will hand you one of those feedback sheets and you will have had a conversation with them about your comic. As soon as is practical, please post the draft that you brought with you to class on your site (if you had a physical draft, scan or photograph it such that it’s legible and then upload it). Write a paragraph or two in which you summarize the feedback you got in class. You can quote from the sheets if that’s useful, but you don’t need to transcribe them wholesale — synthesize the responses to those questions plus whatever other useful feedback you got.

Note: Justin, Katherine, Kate, and Tony — since you weren’t in class today or didn’t have a draft with you, post your draft comics to your sites as soon as you can, then arrange with each other to meet (in person or asynchronously) and provide feedback to each other. You can download the form above and then fill out one for each of your peers.

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